Our Team

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Mr. Guy Avneon, CFA

20 years of wealth and investment management experience, including: CEO of Nutrimenta Finance & Investments, Head of private banking at FIBI Bank Switzerland

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Ms. Jackie Ineke
Chief Investment Officer

Over 30 years of experience, including head of European Financials Research at Morgan Stanley for 23 years, where she was ranked #1 in Institutional Investor polls for over 10 years. Before that Jackie worked at UBS and started her career at the BoE.

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Mr. Snir Gliksman
Chief Executive Officer

Over 15 years of strategy and corporate finance experience, including: global business development and corporate finance roles at Hewlett-Packard, corporate development at Bezeq, and management consulting at Trigger-Foresight (Deloitte)

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Mr. Maxime Raymond

Maxime has been working at Spring Investments as an analyst for the past two years. He is currently a candidate for the level III of the CFA exam and holds a BA (Hons) from King's College London.